
Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sit rerum voluptatem excepturi ratione accusamus soluta ut voluptate architecto temporibus placeat unde modi, a enim tenetur vero, ex, fugit repellendus nesciunt rem ad? Voluptas, ad? Labore accusantium maxime repellat quam, ratione consequuntur fuga esse excepturi necessitatibus earum quisquam perspiciatis.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet elit. Amet rerum quis reiciendis blanditiis! Vero quod assumenda voluptatibus, illo adipisci labore velit repellendus nesciunt delectus ducimus ipsa voluptatum, veniam laborum similique ex odio molestias praesentium repellat necessitatibus veritatis possimus nemo minus? Similique iure ipsam blanditiis ratione corporis, cupiditate expedita nesciunt. Nisi!


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Ipsa maxime assumenda veritatis neque numquam nam dicta! Nobis adipisci esse beatae consequuntur accusantium itaque ducimus, sunt facere vero molestiae iusto eos nam architecto perspiciatis sit sed, deleniti totam, molestias maiores unde repellat. Natus officia explicabo accusamus dolorum et similique ipsa hic.


New look of the old walls!

Let's look how to renovate

Several shades of paint in the main color you want – one lighter and one darker (you can even have a third color for more depth) – I use flat paint because I prefer not much shininess on “old walls” but you can use satin or other finish if you want

Now steps to replace everything:

I’ll walk you through how I painted a white closet for our sitting nook. Although as I worked, the plans changed! That’s the thing, as you work on this, you might discover a change in plans will work better. Mostly, you need to have an idea of the final result you want. As the look on the wall develops, you might need to change the basic steps as you go, in order to achieve the result you want.


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